




Salat Magazin is an independent artistic publication founded by Roland Sonnabend and Yuni Hwang, students of Kunstakademie Duesseldorf. The latest Edition „photophoto“ is presenting young photographic positions from across Germany and is being sold at Buchhandlung Walther Koenig and Funk Magazine in Cologne to name a few.

Yuni Hwang, was born in 1992 in Seoul, South Korea. She finished her bachelor in product design at the Hong-Ik University in Sejong in 2015 and started her studies at Kunstakademie Duesseldorf right after. Since 2016 she is studying stage design, first in the class of Prof. Johannes Schuetz and now with Prof. Lena Newton. She is working for theaters and multimedia-performances, such as multiple projects regarding stage design. Her artistic practice deals with the topics of discrimination and racism concerning people of asian background in western societies and communication.

Roland Sonnabend, born in 1996, studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf since 2015. Before he joined the class of conceptual artist Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, he was In the class of painter Andreas Schulze. Gonzalez-Foerster appointed him a master student in 2020. So far he worked in various projects. In 2018 he founded the rock-band Random Dudes. One Year later they released their first project “Whaddup Dude?!”. His artistic practice includes painting, poetry and photography.


Rhizopus bread mold under the microscope, © Tonaquatic, 2020

#designating visions

  • Open Call Closed
  • Mixed Media
  • Text
C.A.R., Stiftung Zollverein, Foto: Matthias Duschner, Textinstallation: Heiko Beck

C.A.R. 2020 Online Bites

  • Open Call Closed
  • Installation
  • Mixed Media
  • Photography
C.A.R. 2020
Original by Simon Resch, edited by Anne-Katrin Ahrens (2021)

The Most Beautiful Picture at My Home 2021

  • Open Call Closed
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Print
Museum Ulm
Anna Niedhart

Designing Protest

  • Open Call Closed
  • Grafikdesign
  • Illustration
  • Text
Museum Ulm