- Exhibition
#designating visions
- Mixed Media
- Text
Open Call:
ex_hibition, ex_periment, ex_pert*innen, ex_kurs, ex_ergie […]
The INTER- network [the intersemble] is seeking young idealists, scholars, artists, venturers and writers who share their visions for new forms of collaboration in the arts.
How do we want to work in the future? What do innovative working models in the art and exhibition practice look like? What new job descriptions need to be developed? What can new forms of collaboration look like and what artistic potential could emerge from them?
You are driven by similar questions? Then share your ideas for new professions on our blog and in digital meet-ups. Individual contributions might be included in an accompanying publication of our exhibition project at Kunstmuseum Ulm (September 2021).
We believe that visions need names. New ideas – new expressions. Language creates realities and together we want to shape the reality of tomorrow’s art world. We avoid hierarchical structures and are advocates of transparent, democratic and fair working conditions and a respectful handling of intellectual and creative property.
We avoid hierarchical structures and are advocates of transparent, democratic and fair working conditions and a respectful handling of intellectual and creative property.
You can become a co_ llaborator [co-director, co-curator, co_coordinator]! Send us your articles, essays, sketches, works or word creations by e-mail to: mail@inter.exposed
You would like to follow or join the whole project or become part of our network? Then please contact us or take part in our regular Meet-Ups.
Working phase I: Extension of the network
Meetup I (digital): 19.12.20
Think Tank I (hybrid): 18-20.12.20 -> postponed to 13.+14.02.21!
Meetup II (digital): 20.02.21
Think Tank II (Museum Ulm): 16-18.04.21
Working phase II: Preparation of the symposium
Meeting (NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf): tbd
Symposium (Ringenberg Castle, Hamminkeln): 12-16.05.21
Working phase III: Exhibition production
Exhibition (Museum Ulm): 11.9.-7.11.21
ex_hibition, ex_periment, ex_pert*innen, ex_kurs, ex_ergie […]
The INTER- network [the intersemble] is seeking young idealists, scholars, artists, venturers and writers who share their visions for new forms of collaboration in the arts.
How do we want to work in the future? What do innovative working models in the art and exhibition practice look like? What new job descriptions need to be developed? What can new forms of collaboration look like and what artistic potential could emerge from them?
You are driven by similar questions? Then share your ideas for new professions on our blog and in digital meet-ups. Individual contributions might be included in an accompanying publication of our exhibition project at Kunstmuseum Ulm (September 2021).
We believe that visions need names. New ideas – new expressions. Language creates realities and together we want to shape the reality of tomorrow’s art world. We avoid hierarchical structures and are advocates of transparent, democratic and fair working conditions and a respectful handling of intellectual and creative property.
We avoid hierarchical structures and are advocates of transparent, democratic and fair working conditions and a respectful handling of intellectual and creative property.
You can become a co_ llaborator [co-director, co-curator, co_coordinator]! Send us your articles, essays, sketches, works or word creations by e-mail to: mail@inter.exposed
You would like to follow or join the whole project or become part of our network? Then please contact us or take part in our regular Meet-Ups.
Working phase I: Extension of the network
Meetup I (digital): 19.12.20
Think Tank I (hybrid): 18-20.12.20 -> postponed to 13.+14.02.21!
Meetup II (digital): 20.02.21
Think Tank II (Museum Ulm): 16-18.04.21
Working phase II: Preparation of the symposium
Meeting (NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf): tbd
Symposium (Ringenberg Castle, Hamminkeln): 12-16.05.21
Working phase III: Exhibition production
Exhibition (Museum Ulm): 11.9.-7.11.21
Curatorial statement
We would like to thank you very much for all the submissions to our Open Call. We found the diverse visions and approaches for new forms of collaboration in art and exhibition practice very valuable and motivating. In selecting the submissions, we focused on the questions "How do we want to work in the future?" with regard to innovative working models and new forms of collaboration. What are the goals, themes and working strategies that emerge from collective thinking and collaborative working?".
It was enriching to discuss the submitted positions within the INTER- network and we are happy that we could share numerous contributions on our blog for open exchange. As the blog is a living, ever-growing part of our network, it is worth taking a look at it from time to time in the future.
Whether it's criticism, suggestions, reports on experiences or other comments on the blog posts - send it over! We hope that the discussions will continue and invite you to stay in touch with us.