

Stefanie Dathe

Stefanie Dathe


Stefanie Dathe is the director of the Museum Ulm. She studied art history, philosophy, ethnology and ancient American studies in Mainz, Bonn, Madrid and Zurich. In 1999 she received her doctorate on the medieval history of architecture in Spain. From 1994 to 2005 she worked as a freelance curator in the gallery, art trade and exhibition sector in Switzerland, Austria and Germany and has since published numerous works on contemporary art. 2005-2008 she was curator at the Städtische Galerie Ravensburg. 2008-2016 she was director of the Museum Villa Rot. Since 2016 she is director of the Museum Ulm.


Rhizopus bread mold under the microscope, © Tonaquatic, 2020

#designating visions

  • Open Call Closed
  • Mixed Media
  • Text
C.A.R., Stiftung Zollverein, Foto: Matthias Duschner, Textinstallation: Heiko Beck

C.A.R. 2020 Online Bites

  • Open Call Closed
  • Installation
  • Mixed Media
  • Photography
C.A.R. 2020
Original by Simon Resch, edited by Anne-Katrin Ahrens (2021)

The Most Beautiful Picture at My Home 2021

  • Open Call Closed
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Print
Museum Ulm
Anna Niedhart

Designing Protest

  • Open Call Closed
  • Grafikdesign
  • Illustration
  • Text
Museum Ulm