

Alain Bieber / Judith Winterhager

Alain Bieber / Judith Winterhager


Alain Bieber is the artistic director of NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. Bieber has been curating solo and group exhibitions all over Europe since 2004 on topics such as web and media art, pop culture and photography. Bieber studied rhetoric, literature, sociology, communication and political science from 1999 to 2005 in Tübingen and Paris. Before being appointed artistic director, he worked in the culture department of the European television network ARTE in Strasbourg, where he was head of the creative lab ARTE Creative. Prior to that, he was an editor at the magazine ART in Hamburg and a lecturer at several universities in Germany and France.

Judith Winterhager studied visual communication at the Bauhaus University Weimar and completed her master’s degree in “Curatorial Studies” at the Department of Cultural Analysis and Mediation at the Zurich University of the Arts. In addition to her assistant work in galleries and graphic studios in London, Zurich and Paris, she worked most recently at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (Zurich) and as a trainee at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf. Since January 2020 she is the curatorial assistant of Alain Bieber at NRW-Forum Düsseldorf and responsible for the area of digital communication.



Crazy Cleopatra (top) & Funky Schere (bottom) © MACHEN


  • Open Call Closed
  • Other


  • Open Call Closed
  • Mixed Media
  • Text
Next Nature: Bone Pickers, 2014. Bone Pickers, made of cultured meat around an ersatz bone scaffold.

Subversive design

  • Open Call Closed
  • Applied Arts
  • Mixed Media
Alain Bieber / Judith Winterhager
wwwforum © NRW Forum Düsseldorf / Studio Christian Mio Loclair

wwwforum – Virtual Residency Programm

  • Open Call Closed
  • 3D Motion
  • Digital Art
  • Video