  • Talk

Barbara K. Fischer and Katrin Glinka on digital change in GLAMs

8.9.20 16:00

On digital change in GLAMs

How do GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) interact with technologies and communities in times of digital change? Where does the cooperation already work, where is there a need to catch up? What responsibility do public cultural institutions have in the digital space? How can digital images be made accessible and usable for everyone? We would like to discuss these and other questions in the webinar with Barbara K. Fischer and Katrin Glinka. The webinar will be held in German. Users can join live via crowdcast, ask questions and participate in discussions. Participation is free of charge, save your spot here.


Barbara K. Fischer

Culture manager Barbara K. Fischer (@fischerdata) has been working on the digital transformation of the GLAM sector since 2012. At Wikimedia Germany she founded formats such as the Hackathon Coding Da Vinci. Today she is a member of the EUROPEANA Advisory Board and works in the Standardization Unit at the German National Library to open the Common Norms File (GND). She leads projects such as “GND for cultural data” and “GND meets Wikibase” to implement the vision of the Semantic Web by standardizing metadata from different areas using standard data.

Katrin Glinka

Cultural scientist Katrin Glinka works at the interface between culture and digital technologies. In the past few years she has been particularly concerned with the application of visualization techniques to cultural data and the research of innovative digital approaches to museum interpretation. In her research, Glinka examines differences and similarities between concepts, terminologies, and methods in computer science, art history, and museum practice. As the scientific project lead for the project “museum4punkt0” at the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz she developed and evaluated various digital applications for museums.

On digital change in GLAMs

How do GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) interact with technologies and communities in times of digital change? Where does the cooperation already work, where is there a need to catch up? What responsibility do public cultural institutions have in the digital space? How can digital images be made accessible and usable for everyone? We would like to discuss these and other questions in the webinar with Barbara K. Fischer and Katrin Glinka. The webinar will be held in German. Users can join live via crowdcast, ask questions and participate in discussions. Participation is free of charge, save your spot here.


Barbara K. Fischer

Culture manager Barbara K. Fischer (@fischerdata) has been working on the digital transformation of the GLAM sector since 2012. At Wikimedia Germany she founded formats such as the Hackathon Coding Da Vinci. Today she is a member of the EUROPEANA Advisory Board and works in the Standardization Unit at the German National Library to open the Common Norms File (GND). She leads projects such as “GND for cultural data” and “GND meets Wikibase” to implement the vision of the Semantic Web by standardizing metadata from different areas using standard data.

Katrin Glinka

Cultural scientist Katrin Glinka works at the interface between culture and digital technologies. In the past few years she has been particularly concerned with the application of visualization techniques to cultural data and the research of innovative digital approaches to museum interpretation. In her research, Glinka examines differences and similarities between concepts, terminologies, and methods in computer science, art history, and museum practice. As the scientific project lead for the project “museum4punkt0” at the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz she developed and evaluated various digital applications for museums.