Imagining human existence in the future, there are only two hypotheses: we move towards a technogaianist reality – where technology and nature become one – or we have to abandon life on earth, in an attempt to survive the dystopian end of our planet, whether it’s caused by climate change, overpopulation or even a virus that could endanger humanity.
(Xylem and Phloem are transport tissues in vascular plants responsible in conducting water and nutrients from root to leaf and as so, the project encloses two distinct interfaces fusing the understructure of plants with humankind.)
Nature is at risk due to deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, agricultural industry and all the mistreatment it has been receiving throughout its existence. In a reality where technology is the future, a symbiosis of technology and nature could be the solution in the survival and reparation of the environment.
Through a molecular intervention, technology becomes the plant’s core – what supports and gives it life. Each plant designs its own technological micro-ecosystem where the plant’s sustainability is independent of the environment and climate around it, helping to strengthen and, if possible, immortalize its vitality.
Although the nature becomes an interface it does not lose its essence to the human eye – it is still perceived as natural. Through a database, plants develop self-sufficiency, are able to manage themselves by being in control of their own existence, for example, water and food suplies and internal temperature are automated.The only way we can interact with the plant is by obtaining information through the database, providing us, in the future, research on how the plants survive.
On a post-Earth fantasy, where technology can be felt anywhere and there is no access to the nature we once had, humankind misses what the planet has offered for millions of years. In this degree, technology is used to disguise itself, creating a natural contrasting environment. The spaceship is a little closer to “home”.
With holographic technology, the spaceship renders an immersive contact with nature – touch, sight, hearing and smell. There are gardens, parks, forests where it’s possible to feel the grass, hear the leaves treading, feel the wind blowing on the skin and sit under a cozy shadow. These experiences are mutable according to the environment chosen – a city park, cold snowy mountains, a jungle and so on. These natural spaces offer humankind the possibility to rest, relax, think, and connect with oneself just like nature would.