Volt Agapeyev
Uprooting (2020)
UV-print on MMC
100×100 cm
The coming of new ideology to power is usually accompanied by the destruction of the previous political landscape. Not only branches of power, but also the cultural layer undergo a kind of "sanitation".
Each time the oversaturated bureaucracy after the next team felling turns into a zone of devastation. Each time the freed space gets freedom and unapproved potential. However, the bizarre specter of change is quickly overgrown with new political-oligarchic forest. And every time in this circle of political samsara, the veiled thirst for profit of a narrow circle of the elected dooms a new course of social transformation to defeat.
In this situation, there is only one hope for technology and artificial intelligence, which after the next uprooting instead of new plantings will fill everything with free digital space.