Vera DG, 2020, AR added to painting on canvas (180x150cm), mixed media
Over the past year, the Artist has been working on projects related to augmented and virtual reality, combining traditional art forms such as painting and digital art in AR.
Vera is a creator of the world's first calligraphic AR sculpture "The Birth of Calligraphy" 2019.
She works a lot with experiments in the AR technique, creating sculptures and installations.
"Muse" is a work of art, born during the quarantine, which brings together 20 years of artist's professional experience and her innovative developments.
"My mission is to inspire people, and I find great inspiration in creating augmented reality.
It is always a surprise in the manifestation of what people do not see with their own eyes until they turn on the phone, but what exists invisibly among them" – the Artist says.