TIME?What is time? It is the inexorable device that measures our existence, but also the continuous and indefinite course of the history of a humanity formed by mortals like us.
It's not something palpable, it's like a paste we shape with tragic or happy events, with merriments, grieves and feelings of all sorts.
It has three vital characteristics: the PAST we dream of nostalgically, the PRESENT (which we instantaneously transform into the PAST) and the FUTURE we talk a lot about but know nothing about. Time is something continuous and irreversible that flows in one direction.
The fundamental question of the human being of all times: HOW MUCH do we have from now on? ….
Is TIME infinite? I feel it is NOT. Someday it will end too… probably..
Time has always been a challenging subject for thinkers in philosophy, ideology and, in our case, art. It seems that times seems to flow more and more rapidly. The scientists tell us that ultimately time will condense until it will no longer exists? Really?
We certainly won't find out…
For us, time, as we know and understand it, can be a sequence, a flow, a rush of our events and states of our minds more or less generating good or progress, of our hatreds, happiness, discoveries, destructions and holidays… Here on earth. But what if, this may be the most promised heaven?