‘Shonisaurus Popularis’, 2018; Solo Exhibition, Turf Projects, Croydon
Mixed media video installation, 9 minutes
Wood, cloth, mirrors, water, pond material, duvets, golf clubs, grass
This exhibition uses material gathered from a research trip to Nevada, awarded by Boise Travel Scholarship. Combining film and sculpture, the installation uses imagery and research from Las Vegas, Death Valley desert and Berlin-State national park, where 6 aquatic reptilian dinosaur remains can be found, called ‘Shonisauris Popularis’. A tour guide, a tourist and a Palaeontologist travel through these shape-shifting landscapes. The story exposes casino tycoons and a City that is rapidly reinvented and compressed, becoming both the growth and implosion capital of the world, within a setting of depleting natural resources. Through parallel narratives, and with the Shonisaurus as their orbit, we discover different kinds of sediments: geological, economical and fictional.