Multiverse is my personal audio-visual research upon relationship between human and nature in a near future. I tried to image a new multi-sensitive Geological hera where finally nature takes her possession of human kind and human artifice. Men banquet is over and animals can feed each other not only with what is left, but expecially with men themselves.
The only way for men to survive is to change into a new shape, an unavoidable transition that force men to get back to a primitive form, to leave and abandon every convinction and belief, to be and become without any doubts only a spectator of this change, finally without any possibility to force again his supremacy. The end of antropocene, the regression of Sapiens, the complete submission to the 4 Elements. Also colors, their humanoid perception, leave its natural way of perceiving. Multiverse is light and dark, good and bad that collide and melt.
Concretely the installation is made of a 33 minutes video, screened simultaneously on 4 televisions lied in a circular way. Under each screen is positioned a mirror, with the purpose of amplify video perception and to create an immersive experience in every corner. So people could join Multiverse, lie on the center of the installation, decide to take part to the change or not, without any possibility of redemption escapism.