Ryan Blackwell and Nastassia Winge. Flowers Series. 2018 [Ongoing].
Ryan and Nastassia are the co-founders of Beyond Photography and experimental image makers. They developed the Flowers series in 2018 as a response to the way digital arts can impact the future of Art History. Taking reference from Dutch flower still lifes, the created dripping flower images which question whether culture is becoming destroyed through the digital revolution.
The creatives started Beyond Photography as a way to connect artists across the world who have a love of digital arts together. After several book publications, exhibitions, and collaborating with countless artists at all levels in the industry, their aim is to bring art to the public for free. Education in the arts can be revolutionised in the digital era as begin to deconstruct the elitist nature of the arts. Beyond Photography is about free, accessible arts information readily available to people with and without an arts background. Thes