12 collages made of glossy photographic paper on top of millimetric off-set paper A4, 70g/m2
01 scheme of São Paulo made of ink on top of millimetric off-set paper A4, 70g/m2
photographs taken in September/2020
October 2020
Analogy is the combination of two Greek words: ana, which pertains to proportion, and logos, often translated as study, or reason. To recognize two objects as analogous is to identify a similarity between them: that of equal proportion. For instance, the digital clock shows us the time through digits. The analog clock, on the other hand, allows us to check the time through an analog that spins in circular motion. Although we are increasingly using digital
technologies, it is still unusual to think of time through digits (we can rarely remember any particular time in the form of numbers). Our memory is analog: we remember moments, and make them fit into a time is equally peculiar, through proportions that are highly
subjective. A month may pass by in a matter of years or seconds depending on who interprets it.
2020 seems to be working in a different rhythm than 2019. After March, the year has stopped. And thus, so did I. I stopped wandering around the city and, suddenly, the places I used to go to became empty. Today, passing by them reminds me of various moments in spaces that I can only organize through analogy.
For this project, I photographed places that I would pass by every day. After 10 months, this was the first time I passed by them on foot. My São Paulo is drawn by these places.