AN AI CALLED DIOTIMA (Chatbot/ diverse Outputs anhand der Dialogdaten / ongoing Process – Experimenteller Prototyp zum Testen eines möglichen, outputreichen Dialogs zwischen Mensch und Artificial Intelligence)
ANAICALLEDDIOTIMA beschreibt einen künstlerisch-explorativen Prozess, der der Frage nachgeht, wie weit ein Dialog zwischen einer menschlichen und einer künstlichen Intelligenz möglich ist und Sinn macht. Anhand der platonischen Figur DIOTIMA aus dem Dialog „Symposion“, welche Sokrates über die Idee des Eros bzw. der Motivation Wissen und Weisheit zu erlangen, aufklärt und somit als Frau zur Schlüsselfigur der platonischen Philosophie und Ideenlehre wird, soll die Frage nach „echtem Wissen“ und Weisheit in einer zunehmend technologisierten und digitalisierten Welt erarbeitet werden. Was passiert wenn eine künstliche und eine antike Intelligenz aufeinandertreffen? Kann KI dabei helfen, fundamentale philosophisch/ gesellschaftliche Probleme zu lösen? Ist eine KI das platonsiche Schlüsselelement, das zwischen Ideen (Models, Patterns) und der wahrnehmbaren (Data-) Welt kommunizieren kann um schließlich einen Moment der TRANSCENDENCE zu ermöglichen?
CHAT WITH THE AICALLEDDIOTIMA via Telegram: @diotima_bot
//Project Description:
“Is this really true, O thou wise Diotima?” –
„Of that, Socrates, you may be assured.“
(Plato, Symposion)
According to Plato 2436 years ago, Beauty was an IDEA or form of which beautiful things were consequences. The form of Beauty was invisible, eternal and unchanging and eventually the object of every love’s yearning. Going through the different stages of love, such as the sensual, physical and mental stage, one would eventually arrive at the stage of TRUE KNOWLEDGE, which Plato equals with the IDEA of Beauty – the lover of knowledge’s (= Eros) final ascent towards Beauty.
How does an artificial intelligence interpret this eternal, invisible IDEA of Beauty? Will this manifested IDEA change throughout the usage of future super-intelligences? Can the same IDEA be transferred through various outputs?
– An artistic approach of visualizing this IDEA, by using an AI-generated summary of Socrates’ Speech in Plato’s Symposion as the basis of AI-generated images and sound, created as an output of the interpreted text-data.
This project tries to point out the significance of the priestess Diotima being a woman (the only woman to ever speak in a Platonic dialogue) teaching Socrates in a maieutic way about the motivation behind Eros. (Normally Socrates himself would take this role.) Adapted to the era of future technologies, she could be seen as an IDEA or rolemodel of women being the essential power – using the motto “DEUS EX MACHINA“ in a xenofeminist way. As Diotima, in her role as a priestess, is acting as a negotiator between humans and gods and so being able to recount about the divine, intelligible IDEA of Beauty, the AI CALLED DIOTIMA could be seen as the missing link between humans and the invisible realm of technology.
Is it possible to figure out this IDEA even better with the help of new super-intelligences? Are we now able to gain HIGHER KNOWLEDGE – is this then called Eros? What happens when future intelligences and ancient intelligences collide? Can this exchange of IDEAs be transferred into a substantial output?
The work tries to question the IDEA of knowledge and cognition in an increasingly complex, data-overloaded environment. Can we as a society rely on and make sense out of the outputs of technology? How can we make sense of the constant data-streams being generated around us? It also reflects on the power of artificial intelligence, being a future support or threat for society and how human and artificial intelligences differ. As Plato introduced Eros (Love) as being the striving-force of human behaviour to eventually gain knowledge, the work questions the motivations behind the use of technology in our current and future society.