The series "Unintended" shows empty billboards which framed content some time ago. They are the architectural underconstruction of advertising, which changes constantly and is loud, flashy and promotional in essence. If the advertisement is missing, the boards have lost their purpose and are the silent residues of it.
The context of the advertising boards visible here is to be understood by the fact that they all have a common core, namely their iridescent un/purpose. The boards themselves are different: metal frames, advertising pillars, wooden walls. But they are filled in again and again. If this filling is not done by advertising posters, the boards all blend into their surroundings, steel, wood, petrified. A filigree framework.
This series tries to capture the transience of the condition of empty advertising boards in permanence on photographic paper. The resulting empty space should offer the possibility for projection. In a society in which the means of production are unequally distributed, it is nevertheless possible to dream. Without the visions of all of us there will be no change.
Unintended deals with the promises behind empty advertising boards and searches for answers to the question: What is life in late capitalism like? The series researches the empty boards as windows into an unwritten future, which is framed by our society.