Artist: Ümüt Yildiz, Alberto Maria Colombo
Year: 2021
“Digital Expressionism” is the study of the human body through the distortions and mutations created with the rendering process of an Artificial Intelligence.
An evolution, or a continuation, of the works started by numerous artists since the early 20th century, founders of stylistic movements such as Cubism, Futurism and English Expressionism.
We start with the creation of a dataset made up of thousands of photographic frames of a single subject.
This huge selection of images is shown to an artificial intelligence, which observes, selects and stores them, completely independent of any human command or influence.
It then returns the memory it has of what was shown to it.
It is not a photographic, precise, mechanical reproduction. But a sentimental, chaotic, confused, primordial interpretation.
Almost human.