PaZagem – installation with barbed wire rods fastened with nails to a wall, delimited over an area in red (or green). The wires trace the grouping of the letters that make up the word “PAZ” (peace in portuguese – Brasil) in a single “character-territory” divided between blocks. The work points to the idea of the “paradox of peace”, in which peace exists only in the face of a threat to the next of the impossibility of peace. From the war zone to the neutral area, the wall for the immigrant, the condominium gate – or prison -, the trench and the fence that protects the cattle. Peace, commonly based on borders or through pre-established agreements, is confined to a nucleus, and everything that overlaps on its margin, or that invades its perimeter, results in its opposite.
Technique: installation – barbed wire, nail and red paint on the wall.
Dimension: 200 cm high x 200 wide x 3 cm deep.
Year: 2019