This is about the on-going mass shootings happening in the United States, I’d like to create a 3D space with all 50 states mapped out with a database of the death toll within the first 4 months of 2023, by using object based immersive audio and ideally with VR in Unreal 5, audience can spot the shootings and how many lives are taken away by us humans.
We have to realise thoughts and prayers doesn’t work, and giving teachers or even a five year old to arm themselves is pure insanity. It’s up to us to change our mentality, as changing administration means nothing nowadays.
The will be no guns visually and sonically but instead it will be an abstract representation (ie: head count as balls / sphere) .
Visually On the contrary of the Sci-Fi look, I envision it’s more barebones / uncanny for users , this will be the reference style :