Les Parents Rouges – En future toutes est illuminées
Music Video, 3min, HD
Performed by Les Parents Rouges, Joshua & Alexandra (Jos Diegel & Alex Reichart)
Written by Jos Diegel & Alex Reichart
Composed by Tim Tation
Videoproduction by Jos Diegel
Thanks to Gruppe Videoquark and Parallelwelpen
With support of Schmiede
In Desperate times, that need radical minds, like these it may be suspected, "Heimat" must be rouge again. Its about to be life-affirming. Bad moods, conservative, polemic, conspirative, suspecting, projectionist thoughts and disenchantment with future, which includes progress and evolution are served by other genres, like Pop, often enough. Hedonism, exuberance, boundlessness and utilitarism will be sang today by two white Cis people crossing germand & austrian border, like everything-and-everybody-related. Thus, there is a common sense of illumination and enlightement, thus universaization.
Les Parents Rouges is a performative on-hit-wonder band project by Jos Diegel and Alex Reichart introduced at Schmiede, Hallein. The song En Future routes st illuminées was produced by Tim Tation. www.facebook.com/lesparentsrouges